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Writer's picture: alphacameraclubalphacameraclub

Today we officially launch our new website, and YOU are cordially invited! is only one among the many milestones that our club will introduce this year in celebration of our 35th Anniversary amidst the limitations prescribed by the current state of a national health emergency.

You are most welcome to visit our new home as frequently as you want and EXPLORE its pages so we can all get better acquainted as you go through the club’s history, achievements, and members’ profiles.

Browse and be inspired when you get to the Gallery Section where many of our best photographs are presented, framed copies of which can be made available for you at a reasonable cost because any one of these would greatly compliment any wall in your office, place of residence or as a valuable addition to your collection.

Head down to the Activities Section and find out how we continued to pursue our passion even at the height of the travel restrictions, firm in our belief that our homes play host to as many fascinating subjects as anyone can imagine or creatively come out with.

Our inaugural feature story is about one of the most accomplished and passionate photographers in our roster, whom many of you may already know since he has been in and around the industry for quite some time.

We will strive to continuously provide YOU with amazing content in the coming months and we thank you for YOUR visit. If you are interested, membership to Alpha Camera Club is open and all you must do is check our Contact Information, click on the link and we will see you there.

We invite you to SHOOT, TRAVEL, EXPLORE the world with us, as we share our passion for photography.

God bless, stay safe and mabuhay Alpha Camera Club!


© 2022 alpha camera club. all rights reserved.

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